Green Velvet Lawn Seed 10kg
Green Velvet rootgrow lawn seed is suitable for creating new lawns, or for overseeding and repairing worn patches in established lawns. It contains a special blend of perennial ryegrass, chewings fescue, strong creeping red fescue and browntop bent. These grasses become established very quickly, and have been chosen because of their natural toughness and vitality. They will produce a good-looking and hard-wearing lawn that will cope easily with everyday family use.
The ‘rootgrow’ mycorrhizal fungi is a beneficial fungi that slowly builds up in established lawns, helping them take up nutrients from the soil. When used in conjunction with the seed, it will ensure the new lawn gets off to a flying start by increasing the uptake of water and nutrients, make it more resistant to patching and reduce the effects of compaction.
It carries endorsement from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS).
1kg is sufficient to treat an area of up to 35m sq when patch-repairing or 25m sq when sowing a new lawn.